Counter Cultural - That's What I Do

A colleague of mine asked if I could write a guest post for her website, Every Day Health and Wellness Therapy,  on something related to eating disorders.  Jazzed at the opportunity to talk about something I am deeply passionate about, I couldn't pass it up. The post talks about the need to be counter cultural when it comes to your relationship with your body, weight, exercise, feelings, mental health issues, etc. A message that differs from what main stream culture says... 

Below are the 5 main points from the article.  Be sure to check the entire piece out here

#1. Weight Isn't the Focus

#2. Health at Every Size (you can read more about that here)

#3. You Don't Have to Have an Eating Disorder to Get Help with Your Relationship with Food

#4. Emotions Are Our Friends

#5. Taking Care of Your Mental Health Issues is OK

Will you think and treat yourself counter culturally on these issues?